Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Randomly Changing Font Size

If you ask my users, I randomly like to change the font size on SalesForce. Just sort of as a Beta Test to mess with them.

Today we had a user who actually had their font size "set" so small that they were literally using a magnifying glass to see the text on their monitor. I don't know how long they had been doing this, but today they had finally had enough.

This sort of occurrence happens quite frequently, I can't even tell you how many cases per week I receive from people who are VERY upset with me for just randomly changing their font size. It's actually very hurtful to me that people think that I just change the font size any time I feel like it without telling them. (We have a whole release process that I designed, and implemented that includes notifications to users prior to release.)

I've been contemplating telling these users: "Yes User A, you ARE part of a Beta Test to determine how big, or small we can make the font prior to anyone complaining. In order to end the Beta Test and return to your normal size font, please hold down the "Ctrl" key on your keyboard, and roll forward (or backward) with the scroll wheel on your mouse. Thank you so much for participating, your input has been tremendously helpful in our study."


1 comment:

  1. Haha, love the canned repsonse. I say use it!
