Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Errors That Disappear on Their Own

My absolute favorite thing is when I get 5 or 6 cases, all of them for the same error with a system. But... by the time the user puts in the ticket, and I go look... the error has disappeared.

Personally, I think that's just Karma's way of humbling the users, and tweaking the nerves of developers/helpdesk support.

Friday, May 4, 2012

I'm SuperGirl.

On Monday I received an email from my friend Erin, who is the Marketing Communications Manager. The CEO wanted to make our company meeting more interactive, and would like for us to "stream" some chatter comments during the meeting on Wednesday (yep 2 days away) a la' Dreamforce.

Now, my first thought was... holy moly... the CEO must think I'm magic! (then I found out that Erin forgot to tell me until Monday LOL)

I wasn't really even sure where to even start... the DF feed was from twitter, and I don't remember even seeing anything about that on the appexchange... but I went and looked anyway. I found some things for streaming twitter, but the CEO didn't want that, because she wanted this not to be public. So... I google searched like mad.

I finally found one thing that seemed to be similar to what I wanted. Interestingly enough, it was a "private" listing from Force.com Labs!

I have to tell you guys, this was the bomb. I edited it to get rid of the groups postings, and set it to refresh every 10 seconds.