Thursday, November 15, 2012

My Salesforce MVP and Building my "Brand"

Like so many others, this year I made the decision to build my "brand". Yeah right, honestly - I didn't even know what my "brand" was until I read an article on "" about it!

This year I actually just promised myself that I would work diligently on learning as much about development on the platfrom as possible. That I would attend as many webinars and seminars and online training courses as I could, find a charitable organization that uses and donate some of my time. I wanted to get as involved in the community as possible both online and in real life, and just be the best "me" that I could possibly be.

I have this undeniable habit of over-committing myself, I schedule just about every evening and every weekend doing something. If I don't, then I feel like I haven't accomplished anything.

I really do need to learn to take some time for myself, just to lounge around the house (or maybe clean it? nah.) I just know myself well enough by now to know that if I do - then I'm going to get bored, and pick up yet another hobby!

This year, I have done so very many incredible things, I've completely followed my plan of action as far as my career goes (with the exception of getting my Advanced Dev certification, however I still need some formal training to get that, so I'm putting that lower on the list, and moving training up to the top!)

The one thing that I have to change is the fact that I don't take my vacation time. Yeah, that sounds crazy... but honestly I'm just dedicated I guess. I have a full PTO bank, and now I've got 10 days of vacation that I have to take before December 15th, or I lose it. So I'll be sitting at home for 10 days, with basically nothing to do! I plan on catching up with some housework, and doing some of the work for the non-profit that needs to be done.

Right now, I've been just concentrating on my work work, (as opposed to my fun work) and thinking about a question that my friend Geraldine asked... "What are you going to do with your new MVP super powers?"

I want to help elevate others, I want to be a advocate and evangelist, convincing one person at a time to drink that Kool-aid.